How to Use the Evangelism Scarf as an Evangelistic Tool
The pictures and scriptures are arranged to tell the most extraordinary story ever told. This story demonstrates how God loves, how much He loves, and the chance for all to know and be with Him for eternity through Jesus Christ. We suggest that this scarf sequence is God’s plan for the salvation of humankind. The scarf is a tool to help communicate that truth to others. The following points are offered for your consideration.
Evangelism Scarf – This scarf demonstrates a series of 12 pictures to convey the message of the gospel. Each picture is represented with a short impact statement and scripture verse. The pictures represent even more detail of the story. This concept allows you to tell the story-oriented to each picture. Your familiarity with the Bible story and Jesus will assist you in highlighting additional details. We also have additional descriptive help through email info@ireachministry.org
Follow the Holy Spirit – During a witnessing opportunity, pray in the Spirit that God would call the other person and would give them ‘ears to hear.’ People may ask questions or be interested in a specific portion; allow the Holy Spirit to guide the discussion of interest. However, some people will be ‘armed’ to attack the truth you are presenting. Ours is to tell the story and be prepared to defend what or why we believe.
The Word of God is promised not to return void. Remember that one plants the seed, another waters it, and yet another may harvest.
Prepared to give a defense – Your story, experience, and relationship are personal and real. Sharing how following Christ has changed your life and the difference is the joy it has brought to you and that is your testimony to your walk by faith in Jesus.
Faith Question – The series concludes with a point of decision to follow yourself or to follow Christ – In whom you will put your faith? If the people receiving the story seek to follow Christ – help them with a prayer of commitment or additional scripture.
ABC – Admit that you are a child of Adam and have sinned against God. Believe that God, through His incredible love, has prepared a way for us through Jesus’ resurrection. Commit your life to God through faith and baptism in Jesus.
Use your story and personal experience – Your story, experience and relationship is personal and real. Sharing with people following Christ has changed your life, and the difference and joy it has brought you, helps make the Gospel real to many people.
The series concludes with a point of decision to follow yourself or follow Christ – If the people receiving the story seek to follow Christ – help them with a prayer of commitment or additional scriptures.