Our ministry is serving those who serve in witnessing and discipleship.
God wants to use you in building His kingdom. This is the work and reward He has prepared for you in advance.
We are here to help you reach that calling – just reach for it.
Do you want help sharing the gospel?
Bel Air, Haiti School Supply Drive
Join us in providing much needed school supplies to our education partners in Bel Air, Haiti. Our goal is to raise $2,500 for pencils, notebooks, and other essential supplies for the community’s success.
Join us in providing school lunches for the children at our partner school in Bel Air, Haiti. Our goal is to raise $4,800 to provide every student at the school with a lunch for the entire 10 month long school year.
You can reach your neighbor with the Gospel message, using any of the following:
iReach Tract
A paper form of the gospel app (available in several languages and as coloring pages), but which can be left with the person to whom you are witnessing.
This is also available as a coloring book which can be used in VBS, mission trips, or settings where you want to reach children.
We can produce it as a vinyl banner to hang in a classroom for mission trips. As vinyl it travels well and can survive tropic climates.

iReach Scarf